The Best Cards Currently in Sorcery!
An article by Jeff Rosado - Guest Author and Competitive Game Player
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the next article. Today I have a list of what I believe are the best cards currently in Sorcery: Contested Realm. I was unsure about how to list these cards. So, I’ve decided to categorize them as the 10 best Avatars, Sites, Artifacts and 10 best cards for each Element. Of course, these are my opinions based on reasoning. There are more decks and archetypes to be discovered. Over time, this list may change the more we discover. So, for the current moment in time, I present you the best cards currently in Sorcery!
Avatar of Air is an excellent avatar. Avatar of Air’s ability allows you to move units to a nearby site if Avatar of Air occupies an air site. This provides numerous advantages from positioning your units, to moving your opponent’s units. You can even give your units “taxing artifacts” so that they can drop those artifacts on your opponent’s sites. You can also force your opponent’s units to sites such as Bottomless Pit resulting in killing that minion if it doesn’t have the “airborne” ability. Most of the time this avatar will be used in an all-Air deck. This can limit the possibilities of this avatar. But nevertheless, with the ability to manipulate the board, this avatar is one to watch out for.
Archimago is an avatar that can banish 3 magic spells in order to copy one of them! There are many powerful magic spells in this game. Some have even been restricted by the “rarity rule” but that doesn’t stop this avatar from casting them again. To really utilize this avatar’s capabilities, it is safe to have the majority of your deck as magic spells. While that can be a safe and potent strategy, it does limit this avatar’s possibilities. Still, being a master of spells is what separates an excellent sorcerer from the rest!
Do you want a deck that’s simple? Perhaps a deck that can get the job done in any circumstance? Look no further, Flamecaller is the avatar for you. Dealing damage to your opponent is a fundamental way of winning a game of Sorcery. Flamecaller is an avatar that can light up any stage allowing you to banish your dead fire minions to shoot 1 big powerful projectile. If timed correctly, this avatar can close any game. What also makes this avatar great is the fact that it can be combined with powerful damage spells and strong/fast minions. This wonderful union allows Flamecaller to have an excellent strategy that has the potential to incinerate any opponent.
The mighty Avatar of Earth grows in strength for each nearby earth site. This has made this avatar a very strong contender (no pun intended). This avatar can utilize powerful earth minions to close out games quickly. It is often combined with strong cards such as Roots of Yggdrasil and Earthquake, which can dramatically reshape the realm in its favor. This avatar has a simple effective strategy: Stronger is better!
Unlike all the avatars before them, the following avatars aren’t bound by singular elements or strategies. Elementalist is the perfect avatar to showcase your creativity. With its threshold producing capabilities, Elementalist allows you to have all the options in various forms of strategies while helping you cast your spells more efficiently. Want to play powerful cards? What about playing multiple elements? Or how about a deck tailored to all the strategies you love? Elementalist is the avatar for you! As time goes on, and as Sorcery grows, this Avatar will continue to grow in potential. Providing endless possibilities to its user. This avatar’s only limitation is the knowledge of its user. Knowledge is power and the more you know, the stronger your strategies become.
Witch is another avatar that isn’t bound by singular elements. However, this avatar has found a home in a few “aggro” strategies. Although not limited to just “aggro”, this avatar has amazing flexibility to facilitate various strategies. By “cursing” an avatar, Witch can make an avatar lose 2 life, have -3 power, or have their spells cost 1 more on their next turn. These “curse” abilities can put any opponent at a serious disadvantage throughout the game. Making Witch a very powerful avatar.
Druid is currently the only avatar that can transform and summon tokens to aid the mystical avatar in battle. The clever Tawny can cast spells alongside Druid, while the fluffy Bruin can absorb damage dealt to your avatar. A transformed Druid also can also be combined with Drums of Doom to kill enemy minions that enter any nearby sites. Druid has fun unique interactions that can be used in various strategies.
Battlemage is broken, enough said.
Moving on to our next avatar – wait…. You still want more info on Battlemage…? Ok, ok, fine…
Battlemage is currently the strongest avatar, with a grand total of 3 power! Normally in TCG’s it is rare to find an “aggro” card that provides card draw… Yep, Battlemage can do both. Whenever Battlemage attacks and kills an enemy, you can choose to draw a spell. This powerhouse can not only apply pressure and attack an opponent, but it can draw you more spells as well!? Combined with Grapple Shot, damage spells, and various weapons, this avatar can dominate the game while giving you card advantage in the process. In every Battlemage list, this card is your main win condition. Did I mention Battlemage is an avatar? You know, the cards that are in play at the start of the game? Yeah, Battlemage is the truth… a powerful Avatar that applies simultaneous pressure and card advantage.
It was a close call deciding if there were any avatars that were “better” than Battlemage. Of course, this is still my opinion, but I think what makes a card “better” than another is the fact that it provides more potential than the other. Deathspeaker is an avatar that embodies potential. Allowing you to cast one dead minion each turn. To some, that may not seem better than Battlemage’s potential. However, being able to re-activate “genesis” abilities and manipulating a player’s graveyard is powerful in its own right. This is another avatar that will grow stronger as the game progresses. The more “genesis” abilities that are printed the better. I think what makes Deathspeaker so great is also the fact that there are so many powerful strategies that work well with it. Kythera Mechanism combined with Raise Dead, Thunderstorm, or 13 Treasures of Britain provides control in various forms. Deathspeaker combined with any and all forms of “genesis” abilities also provides value throughout the game. Deathspeaker can also be used in aggro, control, midrange, and even reanimator strategies. With so many diverse playstyles Deathspeaker has potential that will only continue to grow. Value is key when playing this powerful avatar.
Of all these powerful avatars there is one that has more creativity than Elementalist, has more potential than Deathspeaker, and has more advantages than Battlemage, the Sorcerer himself. It’s funny to think about because Sorcerer can’t outclass Elementalist’s threshold producing ability, nor can he out value Deathspeaker, and he certainly can’t out power Battlemage. But Sorcerer deserves the title as the current best avatar for various reasons. He’s affordable, flexible, and provides card draw that can help you facilitate any strategy. A well balanced avatar that supports your strategy throughout any game. Other avatars are usually what you base your deck’s strategy around. For Sorcerer, he is there to help aid you in any strategy you want to play. If you want a fast “aggro” deck, he can help you draw more damage spells. If you want a “control” deck, he can help you keep tempo and provide you more cards for later advantage. Even combo decks work well with Sorcerer so that you can use his ability to help draw the pieces you need in order to win. Are you seeing a pattern? Drawing cards is the most versatile mechanic to any strategy! Every player has access to this iconic avatar. This allows new players as well as veteran players to contest the realm with ease. Sorcerer is certainly the icon for Sorcery: Contested Realm and as the game progresses this is certainly the safest option for any strategy. An avatar that is well balanced, flexible, affordable, supportive of any strategy, and nostalgic to the game we love. There is no other avatar like Sorcerer!
Lightning Bolt is an excellent card. Although it randomly deals 3 damage, that doesn’t stop this card from taking care of weaker minions, ending the game, nor does it stop it from dealing damage to units with “stealth”. Remember, Lightning Bolt targets a location not the unit. If timed correctly, you can utilize this card in various opportunities. If combined with Kythera Mechanism, this card can become a very effective damage spell. Thunderstorm was close to making this list, but I believe Lightning Bolt has slightly better range and timing compared to Thunderstorm. Although it would be completely fair to debate which is better for certain situations.
Sorcery can get complex at times. Positioning and timing are essential for executing proper stratagem. Grapple Shot is a card that grants you both! Allowing you to position your units by closing distance, as well as granting a unit a well-timed strike. You can even follow up with another attack afterwards. If used properly this card can effectively win you the game.
Chaos Twister is a fun card, there’s no doubt about it. However, in the right hand (pun intended), it can become a powerful spell. Chaos Twister has a lot of potential, from being used as a damage spell that can hit multiple units, from being a removal spell can potentially banish a target, from winning the game in an exciting manner. There are so many ways to execute this card as well. Making this a very fun card to play with. I once executed a Chaos Twister using handcuffs and tiny doll hands. Fun times! With proper execution this card can be a life saver. But be very careful, if the minion falls off the game mat’s grid or if you fail you blow the card off your hand in one breath the effect fizzles. Simple…… right?
Almost everyone has heard of this absurd combo: Crave Golem + Candlemas Monks = Skip your opponent’s turn. Although this combo needs a proper set up, it is still worth including to this list. The potential of skipping your opponent’s turn is powerful. This combo can be reused with Rescue to effectively return your Candlemas Monks to your hand. This combo requires a proper set up, but it is a powerful combo indeed.
Taking your opponent’s cards isn’t nice. But banishing them is fine. Sort of… Feast for Crows can be used to eliminate problematic cards from your opponent’s hand, deck, and cemetery. Although it is a unique, Feast for Crows is still a fantastic card that allows you to have an answer for any threat against your strategy while also gaining information. The only risk is knowing if your opponent even has the card you are declaring. But there are plenty of cards that can allow you to gain information on your opponent’s strategy. Even if you cast Feast for Crows and miss, it still allows you to search your opponent’s hand and spellbook thus granting you information on their strategy. Unfortunately, even with Sorcery’s diversity, there are numerous players that “net deck” (or copy other player’s online deck lists). There is nothing wrong with that, however we are at a point in time where some strategies can be identified simply by knowing your opponent’s avatar. I say “unfortunately” because in those situations, Feast for Crows can be a potent tool. Banishing key cards in your opponent’s strategy.
If you thought Feast for Crows was good, take a look at the lord of death himself: Grim Reaper. With the “lethal” ability, Grim Reaper is almost guaranteed to kill any minion. What’s worse, if Grim Reaper successfully kills a minion, it is banished and you are then permitted to search the owner’s cemetery, hand, and spellbook for any copy of that minion and banish them as well. Grim Reaper is not only an effective “removal spell”, but it grants you information on your opponent’s hand and spellbook. Grim Reaper is weak but combined with Grapple Shot, Attack by Night, Lance Tokens, etc Grim Reaper can survive multiple strikes allowing you to kill more minions and effectively destroy your opponent’s hand/deck.
Projectiles are a fundamental tool for sorcerers. Arcane Barrage is a card crafted for a master sorcerer. The more mana you spend for its cost, the more projectiles you can unleash. This can be used as an effective damage spell with the potential to hit multiple targets. You can also use this as a powerful tool to bring your opponent to death’s door or in some cases deliver the final blow. Combined with Merlin’s Tower, you can accelerate your mana or even cast Arcane Barrage underground. My most recent effective strategy with this card is to use it with Immortal Throne. Since Arcane Barrage has X for its cost, you can pay any amount and that will become its casting cost. This means that you can use 2 copies of this elite card to fill in “missing gaps” to help you ascend Immortal Throne’s counters. There are so many ways to use Arcane Barrage but only a master sorcerer can harness its true potential.
On the subject of master sorcerers, there is one sorcerer that surpasses the rest: Grandmaster Wizard. This elite spellcaster has a powerful “genesis” ability – Draw 3 spells. For a hefty cost, weak stats, and a simple ability he may not seem like much. I’ve stated before that drawing cards is the most versatile mechanic to any strategy. But the ability to draw 3 spells can turn the tide of any game. Of course, there are cards that combo well with Grandmaster Wizard allowing you to further draw more cards. Having the “spellcaster” ability also allows Grandmaster Wizard to cast a variety of spells providing various forms of flexibility. With Grandmaster Wizard, knowledge is power.
Drawing cards is indeed a powerful mechanic, but there is still a possibility of drawing cards that you may not need. Browse is a whole other level of card advantage. Allowing you to look at your next 7 spells, put 1 in your hand, and rearrange the rest at the bottom of your spellbook in any order. Having control of what you draw is powerful. But rearranging the rest of the cards can add complexity to your strategy. In a few rare cases, my spellbook was running low on cards and I eventually started drawing the cards I rearranged at the bottom. It was a close game, but because I knew what my last cards were, I was able to plan ahead and execute a brilliant strategy to claim victory. This may not happen all the time, but still, having control of my draw and having the knowledge to plan ahead provides a level of strategy like no other.
There are so many powerful artifacts in Sorcery. Some are so rare that even some of the artists don’t possess them. Highland Princess is the best air spell for the fact that she allows you to add many of these rare artifacts to your hand. A simple yet powerful “genesis” ability. Highland Princess can help you assemble your strategy faster and by combining her with other powerful cards, you can potentially reactivate her “genesis” ability to search for more powerful artifacts. Having control of your draw is powerful, but being able to guarantee a Philosopher’s Stone, Kythera Mechanism, or Ring of Morrigan shifts the game dramatically in your favor.
We know now that searching for cards can give a player an advantage. With Assorted Animals you can search for multiple targets. Although these targets must be different beasts, this card can still provide useful utility in the right deck. Beast Tribe decks have been growing in popularity since the release of Arthurian Legends. I imagine we will be receiving more support for beasts in the future, making Assorted Animals very useful.
Let’s be honest, most of us have wanted to build a deck around these cards. The fact that a deck can contain any number of either makes it very tempting to craft a strategy around them. Grey Wolves is the easiest way to accomplish this. Relentless Crowd on the other hand, is a pricy rare card making it challenging to craft a deck around it. Still, the idea of surpassing limitations has always been a part of human history and that’s what separates these cards from the rest.
Stone-gaze Gorgons can be a powerful card if used correctly. Having the ability to “disable” adjacent minions can put a player at a serious disadvantage. Preventing adjacent minions from defending, intercepting, attacking, or even activating their abilities. If you position Stone-gaze Gorgons correctly they can give a player a stunning advantage.
This exceptional demon has brilliant ability. In many circumstances Pudge Butcher can punish an opponent if they aren’t careful with their positioning. More times than not, a player often leaves their avatar at their starting location. By the time Pudge Butcher is played, if the opponent doesn’t have a site next to their avatar, and if they don’t have a way to kill Pudge Butcher then it’s too late… by the next turn Pudge Butcher will shoot a projectile and drag the opponent’s avatar for a fight. Of course, this strategy can be prevented in a few ways, but the element of surprise gives this demon a sinister advantage.
King of the Realm demands respect. Controlling all mortals and giving them +1 power can become a landslide against other mortal decks. Regaining control of your stollen mortals can also be a cleaver strategy. Regardless of the opportunity, King of the Realm is ready to take action!
As beautiful as it is scary, Root Spider spells disaster for your opponents. By summoning a burrowed Root Spider, you can “disable” any minion in its tracts. What makes Root Spider so clever is the fact it can be summoned underground. Making it a difficult minion to kill. You must prepare wisely for this exceptional beast.
Giving your earth minions an extra +1 is useful, but being able to also summon these minions to your opponent’s sites is extremely powerful. Crusade does both and it has certainly ranked as one of the best earth spells in the game. Although limited to certain strategies, Crusade can significantly bolster your minions’ chances for success. The fact that Crusade is an aura allows you to cast it and your minions at various locations.
Burrowing minions and artifacts can be catastrophic in most cases. Doing so, while simultaneously rearranging sites is what makes Earthquake a powerful spell. This card isn’t limited to any deck architypes or strategies, making it a flexible card to include in your strategy. The only downside to this card is that it can’t burrow minions or artifacts on water sites. But still, if timed right this card can leave your opponent at a serious disadvantage.
Some say it’s common sense to play Common Sense. Which makes sense considering Common Sense can sensibly search for any ordinary card. Does that make sense? Anyways, Common Sense is very common nowadays providing an excellent tool for searching for any ordinary card at any opportune moment. For only 2 mana and 1 earth threshold Common Sense is flexible for most strategies. Making it one of the most useful cards in the game.
Without any doubt in this universe, Vivien the Enchantress is the best earth spell. Vivien the Enchantress has numerous interactions and has provided the community a wave of countless questions. No matter where she is (hand, spellbook, cemetery, your grandma’s house, etc) Vivien the Enchantress has ALL printed abilities of every avatar and spellcaster in the realm. This ability has provided players with complex interactions from drawing an absurd number of cards, to resurrecting dead minions, to discovering… infinite loops… Vivien the Enchantress is without a doubt the best earth spell for the sheer fact that she provides endless potential.
Vile Imp has a simple yet effective “genesis” ability – deal 2 damage to target adjacent unit. This ability is often used to get rid of weaker minions. But you can also use his ability on stronger minions such as Slumbering Giantess, to “wake her up”. Combined with Drums of Doom, Vile Imp can use his ability to kill any minion. Finally, you can use Vile Imp to deal damage to your opponent’s avatar. Making this card an excellent addition to any fire deck.
Firebolts has similar interactions as Vile Imp but being a magic spell provides more flexibility. Shooting 3 projectiles can give you an opportunity to hit multiple units. Of course, having the 3 projectiles hit 1 unit can lead to great results. When combined with River of Flame you can cast Firebolts underground. This is a solid card for most fire decks, and it is a safe addition when combining elements.
Next on our list is Clamor of Harpies. This minion is not only “removal”, but it is also an airborne minion with a cleaver interaction. Its “genesis” ability can teleport a weaker minion to its location with the option to strike that minion. Of course, killing your opponent’s weaker minion while maintaining board presence is great. But you can also use Clamor of Harpies ability to teleport your weaker minion as well. This can give you an advantage in a few situations, but it is not always ideal. However, it is an excellent mechanic, nevertheless.
There’s nothing like using your opponent’s cards against them. With Infiltrate you can do just that by gaining control of an opponent’s minion. That minion will gain “stealth”, and it will return to your opponent after it deals damage. What’s important to note here is if you use that minion to attack an enemy site you will still retain control of that minion. Since attacking a site isn’t “damage” it is “loss of life”. This makes Infiltrate a very sophisticated card to play.
There are plenty of powerful fire spells in sorcery, but none are like Flame Wave. This card is almost guaranteed to hit your target. Providing a wide range of damage can be lethal in most cases. It can serve as a powerful damage spell or an effective “board sweep”, eliminating multiple minions on the board.
On the topic of “board sweeps”, there is one minion that outclasses the rest: Death Dealer. This mighty card has a “genesis” ability that kills all other minions regardless of where they are in the realm. A simple, powerful, and legendary ability that can be included in most strategies.
Giving your fire minions an extra +1 is useful, but being able to also summon these minions to your opponent’s sites is extremely powerful. Jihad does both and it has certainly ranked as one of the best fire spells in the game. Although limited to certain strategies, Jihad can significantly bolster your minions’ chances for success. The fact that Jihad is an aura allows you to cast it and your minions at various locations. Déjà vu anyone?
I’ve stated before that positioning and timing are essential for executing proper stratagems. Boudicca is the perfect embodiment for that execution. If you position your minions carefully and with proper timing, Boudicca can possibly win you the game. Boudicca allows your minions to have +3 power while successfully attacking sites. So, if your opponent can’t defend their sites, this powerful interaction can deal serious damage to your opponent. In most cases, Boudicca brings your opponent to death’s door. Making Boudicca a force to be reckoned with.
I was close to making Courtesan Thais #1 on this list for the fact that she ruins games for your opponent. But not everyone can use her ability properly and there are times when you can’t fully maximize her ability. But still, Courtesan Thais ranks amongst the best fire spells in the game. Like Boudicca, Courtesan Thais in most cases should win you the game or put you at a significant advantage. Her “genesis” ability is like no other – during their next turn, each player is controlled by the previous one. This means on your opponent’s next turn you control all their actions, and on your next turn your opponent controls your actions. There is a lot of complexity here. For starters you choose what card they draw. You can use your opponent’s best cards against them. You can also force their units to attack while also using your minions to defend. That’s right, you still control yourself on your opponent’s turn even though you are still controlling their actions. In more complex situations you can force your opponent to attack and kill your Courtesan Thais while on The Geistwood. This will result in Courtesan Thais to reactivate her “genesis” ability. This is a very advanced Sorcery strategy because this interaction will allow your opponent to control you on your next turn and will allow you to control them again on their next turn. But there’s one important factor in how Courtesan Thais’ text is worded. Since your opponent was already going to control you on the following turn, they don’t control you an additional time! While you do control them an additional time! The only downside to this interaction is that your opponent gets to control you on your turn. But still controlling your opponent first is a significant advantage. If you assemble your hand carefully and only have cards that benefit you (Wizards, Divine Healing, etc), most times your opponent will pass the turn because they can’t afford to give you an advantage. The most effective and simplest way to use Courtesan Thais is to cast her while your opponent is on Death’s Door so that way you can cast their damage spell to end the game, or you can simply force their avatar to attack your unit resulting in their avatar taking the final point of damage to end the game. There are so many possibilities for Courtesan Thais, but a cleaver mind is all that’s needed to unlock her full potential.
Ranking at #1 we have Morgana le Fay. Although not as complex as Courtesan Thais, Morgana le Fay can work in numerous strategies and has some of the best abilities in the game. “Spellcaster”, “stealth”, and a “genesis” ability that allows her to draw 3 spells that only she can cast! Grandmaster Wizard is powerful for the fact he draws you 3 spells but having a cost of 6 mana can be challenging to play against fast “aggro” decks. Morgana le Fay costs 3 mana and has 3 power. Making her stats better than Grandmaster Wizard. Sure, only Morgana le Fay can cast her 3 spells and if she dies, those spells follow her to the cemetery. But she also has “stealth”! This gives her a built-in defense that can allow her to cast her spells safely. Morgana le Fay can also protect you from “discard” effects or cards like Grim Reaper and Feast for Crows because she keeps her spells in a separate hand. Morgana le Fay is an extremely powerful minion with abilities that can give you a head start advantage. An excellent card to include in any strategy.
Replication is an interesting card. Allowing a caster to conjure a copy of an artifact they are carrying. There are so many excellent artifacts to copy. Cores, Mixes, Love Potions, Rings, Philo Stones, etc. Regardless of what you copy, it will always be a great choice. Replication has grown in popularity due to the advantage it gives by conjuring an artifact copy. This has led to new architypes and has players excited to include it to their deck.
I included Pudge Butcher, so it only makes sense that I included Nelly Longarms to the list. Nelly Longarms is a dangerous minion, shooting a projectile to drag and drown its victim. Similar to Pudge Butcher, but better in most cases. If played on a water site, Nelly Longarms can submerge any minion it hits with its ability. Having the “submerge” ability also allows Nelly Longarms to even hit minions underground. The best part is that Nelly Longarms isn’t “immobile” like Pudge Butcher, so this makes her fairly flexible. An excellent minion that outclasses an infamous minion.
Minions are vital to almost every strategy and while their stats are important, their abilities are very crucial. Silence is a card that must be respected. An elite aura that can make minions lose all their non-basic abilities. A powerful effect that can stop any player in their tracks.
We can’t talk about water without talking about sharks. Giant Shark is an awesome water minion that fights anything that enters its body of water. Combined with cards like Pudge Butcher or Nelly Longarms, you can drag your opponent’s avatar and every time it is dragged to a new site in that body of water, Giant Shark will move and fight that avatar. Of course, you can’t submerge avatars with Nelly Longarms, but with Pudge Butcher you can fight that avatar an additional time. Giant Shark can dish out a ton of damage it played correctly. Just be careful not to have your minions enter the Giant Shark’s body of water and remember to swim at your own risk.
Although not a shark, this minion is giant, and it triumphs above all minions in terms of power. Great Old One (or GOO for short) is a massive powerhouse. With a whopping 16 power this minion can take an opponent out easily and can effectively fight any minion to the death. It also possesses an interesting “genesis” ability that permanently floods the realm (including voids). This ability helps cards like Drown, Stormy Seas, Nelly Longarms and Atlantean Fate by guaranteeing them to submerge their targets. A colossal minion with colossal potential: the almighty GOO!
“Submerge” is a common ability found in water architypes. Atlantean Fate punishes players without this ability. Atlantean Fate is a powerful aura that can flood affected non-ordinary sites, turn them into only water sites, and makes them lose their abilities. On top of all of that, it also has a genesis ability that submerges all minions and artifacts atop those affected sites. A powerful “board sweep” that also disrupts your opponent’s mana sources!? Yes, please!
The Lady of the Lake herself graces this list with her generous abilities. The Lady of the Lake has “spellcaster”, “submerge”, and a powerful “genesis” ability that can summon a mortal or artifact in your cemetery to her location. If you succeed, The Lady of the Lake will shuffle herself back into your spellbook so that she can help you again another time. Resurrecting dead minions is a useful ability, but resurrecting artifacts in the cemetery is a splendid ability.
Let’s reflect for a moment (pun intended). We know that minions are vital for the game. Selfsame Simulacrum is vital for copying minions in numerous situations. Whether it’s copying a powerful ability, or creating another minion with great stats, Selfsame Simulacrum will enter play as a basic copy of any nearby minion. To clarify, Selfsame Simulacrum copies everything that is printed on the minion it copies. This allows Selfsame Simulacrum to have complex interactions with various cards while also being a simple card to use. Sometimes it’s easier to copy the strongest minion in play. Regardless how you use Selfsame Simulacrum, it can serve as an excellent addition to any strategy.
I’ve discussed a lot of cards but there isn’t a card like Twist of Fate. Just as the name suggests, this card can be used to turn the tides of fate by exchanging your life total with your opponent. You just have to make sure Twist of Fate’s mana cost equals the difference between both players’ life totals. Simple yet very effective.
At the top of the best water cards, we have Ruler of Thul. With the “charge” ability Ruler of Thul can attack the turn he is summoned. If that wasn’t impressive enough, Ruler of Thul can allow allies to move as if the top and bottom of the realm were connected. Still not impressed? Ruler of Thul also gives other allies +1 power if they occupy sites at the top and bottom edges of the realm. This card is absolutely powerful. With Ruler of Thul, your avatar, and a 1 power minion you can effectively attack your opponent from across the board and deal 7 damage (assuming your avatar starts with 1 power). The more minions you have the more effective Ruler of Thul becomes. I’ve personally dealt over 20 damage to my opponent because of this 1 card. Ruler of Thul is also flexible and can support any strategy. Some decks have even “splashed” the water element just to play this powerful minion. Ruler of Thul the actual truth, easily making him the best water card currently in Sorcery.
The placement of your sites is important when playing Sorcery. Rift Valley is a site that can manipulate the board by separating a partial row or column in order to place it between the sites you separated. This provides a unique form of infiltration, allowing you to effectively place Rift Valley in your opponent’s territory so you can cast your minions closer to your opponent’s avatar. There’s plenty of ways to use Rift Valley to your advantage.
Resurrecting dead minions is a powerful ability, there’s no doubt about it. But doing so for free is extremely powerful. Boneyard is a site that allows both players to do so when in enters the realm. Sure, your opponent gets the benefit as well but only if they have a minion in their cemetery. Checking both players’ cemeteries is a safe way to ensure this. Checking both players cemeteries is also an excellent way to plan ahead and allows you to predict what your opponent will resurrect. Even if they do resurrect a minion there are more benefits for doing so. If you have a stronger minion at the site next to the location you plan on placing Boneyard, you can attack their minion when it resurrects. You can also perform a combo I discovered that can potentially grant you a turn 2 Great Old One! I was able to summon Sisters of Avalon turn 1 to discard a Great Old One (or any powerful minion) then followed up with Boneyard on turn 2 to resurrect the Great Old One. If you succeed in performing this combo early enough you can effectively be the only player that resurrects a minion. Boneyard is an excellent card that can grant players a free summon and can easily be included in any deck with minions. If used correctly you can be the only player to gain this advantage. This is what makes Boneyard a fantastic card to play with.
River of Flame and Merlin’s Tower are both excellent sites, especially when it comes to casting spells in different regions. River of Flame can cast fire spells while Merlin’s Tower can cast spells the turn in enters the realm. During that turn, Merlin’s Tower can also cast its next magic spell for 3 less while still providing 1 mana inherently. Both sites are powerful in their own right and it was tough deciding which is better than the other. It ultimately comes down to which one helps your strategy most. In the best cases you can play both!
The Geistwood is one of my favorite sites. It has various usages due to the fact that “genesis” abilities also become “deathrite” abilities while at The Geistwood. This can give a player plenty of value to help facilitate a victory. I’ve discussed numerous “genesis” abilities in this list. Having the ability to reactivate them makes The Geistwood one of the best sites in the game.
There are times when we are low on life points, and we wish we could gain life. Pillar of Zeiros is excellent for doing just that. In most cases, the best way to use this site is to hold it in your hand until a sufficient amount of minions are placed in the cemetery. From there you can play Pillar of Zeiros to banish all dead minions and heal 1 life for each. Another advantage that this card provides is the simple fact it banishes all dead minions from both players’ cemetery. An ability that can disrupt cemetery-based strategies (Deathspeaker, Reanimator, etc). If played correctly, Pillar of Zeiros can turn the tide of a game by providing 2 forms of strategies in 1 ability.
These 2 sites are by far the most hated sites in the game. The power scaling on these cards are insane! Both Fields of Camlann and Roots of Yggdrasil serve a simple purpose to destroy as many cards as possible. Fields of Camlann only needs 3 fire threshold to activate it’s genesis ability. The fact it provides fire threshold makes it easier to achieve this cost. When Fields of Camlann activates, each player chooses 1 minion to keep in play while they kill the rest. While not killing every minion in play, you can still give your opponent a tough choice and vanquish most of their army. Roots of Yggdrasil is another problematic site. When destroyed Roots of Yggdrasil destroys everything in the realm! The simple way to avoid this from happening is to NOT destroy Roots of Yggdrasil. If only that were an easy task… With cards like Sinkhole, Castle’s Ablaze, and Scorched Earth a player can destroy their own Roots of Yggdrasil to destroy everything. It’s one thing destroying all minions but destroying all sites, auras, artifacts, and minions makes this card difficult to recover from. Playing Bedrock is also a great way to gain an advantage after Roots of Yggdrasil activates. Ensuring a player to have a head start on mana. That being said, I need to address the elephant in the room because that isn’t even the worst part about this card… If a player plays Roots of Yggdrasil it can cause a player to hesitate… Think about it… If a player plays Roots of Yggdrasil there is a 50/50 chance they have a way to destroy it. This leaves the opposing player with 2 options. Continue to play cards, further progressing the game. Or hold some cards in case Roots of Yggdrasil resets the field. In most cases it is better to continue playing to call their bluff because, if your opponent doesn’t have a way to destroy Roots of Yggdrasil you can at least progress the game. If you can succeed in progressing the game while holding onto cards, then you can turn this situation to an advantage. By far the most toxic thing about Roots of Yggdrasil is the fact it can potentially draw half your deck……. No seriously… If you happen to play first and you start the game with Sinkhole or Roots of Yggdrasil and you manage to succeed it giving your opponent hesitation, there is a grand chance the game can “stalemate” or come to a hold. They will draw a card, play their first site and pass. Then on your turn you can simulate confidence by drawing a spell and activate your avatar’s inherent ability to draw a site. (resulting in drawing 2 cards a turn). If the “stalemate” continues, both players come to a mutual understanding that the game will not continue until a player detonates Roots of Yggdrasil… In other words, both players will continue to draw 2 cards every turn until Roots of Yggdrasil activates. Since there is no hand size, both players can keep all the cards they draw until the time comes to continue the game. From there, it’s all about who gives in first. The player who detonates Roots of Yggdrasil to stop both players from drawing, or the player who plays into Roots of Yggdrasil to force the activation in order to continue the game… I’ve seen this happen far too many times and it is why I suggest continuing playing to avoid hesitation, promote friendly gameplay, and call your opponent’s bluff. After reading that, one can debate that Roots of Yggdrasil is better than Fields of Camlann. I think what makes them equal is the fact that Roots of Yggdrasil requires a few extra things in order to work as efficiently as you want it. Bedrock for advantage in mana, Sinkhole to activate Roots of Yggdrasil, and your opponent’s hesitation for both card advantage and field advantage. Fields of Camlann has the element of surprise, can reset the field in its own effective way, and doesn’t require anything besides threshold. Both sites are powerful in their own way.
There are so many different sites to choose from when constructing your deck. Mirror Realm is a site that you always want to include. Mirror Realm enters play as a copy of any nearby site allowing you to regain value from those sites. Mirror Realm can reactivate “genesis” abilities, fix threshold, and helps bypass the rarity restriction, similar to Selfsame Simulacrum. You can even copy your opponent’s sites if needed. There are so many sites that you can copy and plenty of reasons to want to do so.
It’s clear that sites are important when playing Sorcery. Sites provide freedom of choice to help your strategy. Smokestacks of Gnaak relinquishes that freedom by having all nearby sites lose their abilities. It doesn’t matter if you have powerful sites if you can’t use their abilities. Right? Well for some sites, losing their ability makes them better! Cards like The Colour Out of Space, Joyous Garde, and Pristine Paradise all have effects that only provide mana and threshold in certain situations. Smokestacks of Gnaak can have those nearby sites lose their abilities so that they will always provide mana and threshold. A cleaver use for this powerful site.
Sinkhole is the most complex card I’ve ever played in Sorcery. Although Sinkhole is complex, it is also a very simple card. Sacrifice Sinkhole to destroy a nearby site. This simple effect allows Sinkhole to have so many mind-blowing complex advantages. Destroying your opponent’s sites can set them back on mana. It can also potentially disrupt their threshold and force them to draw sites until they recover their threshold. Destroying your sites can have perks too, especially when combined with Roots of Yggdrasil. Even sacrificing Sinkhole is an advantage against your opponent’s attacks because, Sinkhole will leave rubble behind. This is important because your opponent can’t attack that rubble to have you lose life. Sinkhole can also be a great follow up to any spell in the game. You can essentially play any card to gain an advantage, then follow up with Sinkhole to put your opponent at a disadvantage. Placing you in an excellent position. Some of the best interactions with Sinkhole are to play Vile Imp, deal 2 damage and kill a weaker minion, then follow up with Sinkhole and set your opponent back while maintaining board presence. You can also cast a Core and cast an Apprentice Wizard, draw a spell, then follow up with Sinkhole to set your opponent back. The best case is that you are ahead on mana, ahead on cards in your hand, and ahead on board presence while setting your opponent back. If you happen to disrupt their threshold on top of that, you would now be ahead on 5 separate factors. You could even play Lookout, gather information on your opponent’s hand, cast Hyter Sprites to stall your opponent, follow up with a Feast for Crows then play Sinkhole to further stall your opponent and even put them at a severe disadvantage. Sinkhole is also complex in situations where you cast Courtesan Thais, control your opponent, and if they happen to have a Sinkhole, you can cast their cards, put them at a disadvantage, and before ending their turn you can use their Sinkhole to destroy their own site, setting them back on 2 sites. If you remember discussing about ensuring you have a beneficial hand when playing Courtesan Thais, there is a chance your opponent won’t give you the advantage and they will pass the turn, regaining control of their turn, but now they are behind on mana/threshold and they know you have a hand full of advantages. Sinkhole can also combo with Crave Golem and Candlemas Monks. Simply cast the combo, activate Sinkhole, skip your opponents’ turn, and if you happen to have Rescue, repeat the combo again. The more times you reset the combo the more turns you gain to effectively play more sites, cast spells, and deal more damage. The crazy part is that after all of that your opponent is behind because of Sinkhole and now they are further behind because of the extra turns you took building your board. Sinkhole by itself can potentially skip your opponent’s turn if you disrupt their threshold and force them to tap their avatar to draw the sites they need. If they can’t cast their spells and must use their avatar to draw a site, you are in an excellent position. It is even better if they have no cards in play or minions to attack with. Sinkhole is also devastating in this position because if you skip their turn and follow up with Atlantean Fate or Smokestacks of Gnaak on the next turn, you can disrupt all of their sites. Atlantean Fate is better in this situation because it can eliminate your opponent’s threshold, forcing them to have no choice but to draw more sites to fix their threshold. In this case Sinkhole can potentially have your opponent skip more turns just to recover their mana and threshold. In some cases, you can use Sinkhole to destroy a site, set your opponent back, and if your opponent isn’t careful with where they cast their minions, you can follow up with Cave-In, Stormy Seas, or Earthquake to remove multiple cards from the realm devastating your opponent’s board while setting them further behind in board presence. If you thought 1 Sinkhole was bad, how about 2, or 3!? Or 4!? If you are lucky enough to draw both of your Sinkhole’s and a Mirror Realm you can effectively activate Sinkhole 3 times to set your opponent back multiple turns. Having Castle’s Ablaze on top of that can give you an additional site to destroy, acting as a 4th copy of Sinkhole. If your opponent isn’t careful, they could also lose the minions at that site. The downside to this is that you lose mana when using Sinkhole. Right? Well not really… See you can cast spells by using Sinkhole’s mana but then you can continue to sacrifice it to apply its disruption. This is one example why Cores, Mixes, Four Waters of Paradise, and Philosopher Stone are so powerful. Even if you “lose” mana after activating Sinkhole, if you set up these powerful mana accelerants you can ensure that you will have mana to spend even after sacrificing Sinkhole. Mixes and Four Waters of Paradise really shine in this situation because you can cast powerful minions early like Death Dealer, Infernal Legion, or (God forbid) Ultimate Horror then follow up with Sinkhole. Death Dealer can kill all minions already setting your opponent back, but now with Sinkhole you can continue to disrupt your opponent’s mana and threshold. Infernal Legion followed by Sinkhole is extremely powerful setting your opponent back while also effectively putting them on a clock. In a perfect world if you managed to reanimate or cast an Ultimate Horror, reanimate a few “voidwalk” minions, then follow up with Sinkhole… well I’m sure you can imagine how powerful that can be. Sinkhole can even combo well with the avatar Witch. You can use Witch’s “curse” abilities to have your opponent’s spells cost 1 more then follow up with Sinkhole to further disrupt your opponent from casting their spells. Cursed Land can also combo well with Sinkhole. After activating Sinkhole your opponent will most likely need to recover and play sites. If they aren’t careful, Cursed Land can have them lose 2 life every time they play a site nearby it. Sinkhole is effective in this situation simply because it forces your opponent to play more sites. To simplify Sinkhole, just perform any advancement on the board or obtain any extra bit of card advantage then follow up with Sinkhole to disrupt your opponent. This is why Sinkhole has an interaction with almost every card in the game. Almost every card in Sorcery is built to lead your advancement or give you some advantage. Sinkhole simply disrupts your opponent while allowing you to advance simultaneously! I know many of you are expecting me to write a book about Sinkhole but not today. I provided plenty of insight on how diverse and how powerful Sinkhole can be. Trust me… this doesn’t even scratch the surface of what this card can do. The fact that Sinkhole has an interaction with almost every card in the game makes it the strongest site in the game (in my opinion). But what can be better than that!?
At the top of the best sites in Sorcery we have the Dual Sites, Tri Sites, and Omni Sites. Everyone knows about these sites. Any player can include these sites in any multi element deck in order to fix their threshold. A very important piece to any multi element strategy. Although these sites aren’t as powerful as the other previous sites, I believe these are the best sites in the game because they are the most important pieces to craft your atlas (if you are playing multiple elements). For those playing only one element the other sites on this list might be better choices for you. Nevertheless, these sites are very important to Sorcery and are loved by everyone.
Ranking our final list we have the artifact Eggs. Angel’s Egg gains a controller 1 life at the end of each turn while Devil’s Egg has its controller lose 1 life at the end of the turn. Both are versatile for the fact that your units can drop these artifacts at any location/region. Dropping the Devil’s Egg at your opponent’s site makes them the new controller of the artifact. If you happen to have a minion with the “submerge” or burrowing” ability you can drop these artifacts in the subsurface making them difficult to pick up or destroy them without proper abilities. Cleaver cards that can be used in any strategy.
I really wanted to make The Immortal Throne the best artifact. But sadly, not every deck can play this powerful monument. For starters, you must construct your spellbook to play a range of spells that cost 1-7. The reason why is because when a player plays a card with the same cost as the number of counters on The Immortal Throne, that player draws a card, and you add a counter to The Immortal Throne. But how does The Immortal Throne get its first counter and why are the counters important? Well, playing a site is effectively playing a card with 0 mana cost. So, playing a site will generate the 1st counter. Why the counters are important is because once The Immortal Throne is at 8 or more counters, an avatar alone at The Immortal Throne’s location wins the game! The Immortal Throne has provided Sorcery with it’s first ever O.T.K. (one turn kill). I should know, I discovered it. Performing an O.T.K. in Sorcery is extremely challenging, if not impossible. Mainly for the fact that the death’s door ruling prevents a player from losing in one turn. At least in terms of damage. The Immortal Throne is a card that can bypass the death’s door ruling granting a player an automatic victory. This actually led to The Immortal Throne receiving an official FAQ “nerf”. Redefining the meaning of “play a card”. Before the FAQ update, if you summoned a minion by an effect (Mother Nature, or Boneyard for example), as long as that minions cost matched the counters on The Immortal Throne a player would draw a card, and The Immortal Throne would get a counter. However, that has now changed because “play a card” means “cast a spell or play a site”, not summon. Regardless, even with The Immortal Throne’s “nerf”, it can still provide a player an excellent draw engine while having the potential to grant that player a legendary victory!
I can’t discuss artifacts without mentioning Mixes. These powerful artifacts allow a bearer to sacrifice a Mix in order to make their next spell cost 3 less and require no threshold. Of course, each Mix only works with its corresponding element but still, being able to make a spell cost 3 less with no threshold requirements is extremely powerful. The only downside is that it’s tougher to mix Mixes in multiple element strategies. However, in decks that play fewer elements, these artifacts can shine and give a player an excellent head start.
Just like Mixes, Cores are excellent for fixing thresholds and provide wonderful mana acceleration. Although each Core provides only 1 mana and 1 threshold element, they have a staying power that allows them to accumulate more mana over time. Cores can also spend their mana on any spell further diversifying their flexibility. Making these artifacts a must have for any strategy.
Amulet of Niniane is an artifact that grants you an excellent defense against magic spells. During test playing for SorceryCon, I played this card against a burn strategy deck. I completely forgot I added Amulet of Niniane in the first place. But after casting it to my avatar, I eliminated 98% of my opponent’s strategy. Turns out, not being able to be targeted by my opponent’s deck full of burn spells is really sweet. Since then, I’ve been impressed by how much defense this artifact can provide not only to players but any unit that bears Amulet of Niniane.
Straight out of The Collector Arthouse Vault, I present Kythera Mechanism. This all powerful artifact can reshape destiny by allowing the bearer’s controller to determine all random outcomes. Meaning you can choose what units you Lightning Bolt and Thunderstorm hit. You can even choose what minion your Raise Dead resurrects. A new strategy emerged when 13 Treasures of Britain was released in Arthurian Legends. Combined with Kythera Mechanism, 13 Treasures of Britain can become a powerful draw engine. When 13 Treasures of Britain is picked up the bearer’s controller draws a card and then the 13 Treasures of Britain teleports to a random site or void. But because of Kythera Mechanism, you can keep teleporting the 13 Treasures of Britain to the same location to continue being picked up my your other minions to draw more cards. Any random outcome is yours to determine.
If only there was a Mix that can work for multiple elements… yep, Four Waters of Paradise is exactly that card. By sacrificing Four Waters of Paradise the bearer’s next elemental spell requires no threshold and costs 4 less to cast. Four Waters of Paradise is a magnificent card that grants a player superb mana acceleration. Even though it can’t be used to cast artifacts, the fact it allows no threshold requirement makes it worth including in any deck.
This was a close call, but I believe next on the list is Ring of Morrigan. This unique relic is like no other. Ring of Morrigan allows a bearer to deal 1 damage to a nearby unit and gain 1 life whenever the bearer casts a spell. This can be combined with cards with draw effects, search effects, or even having multiple Toshammar Trinkets. These strategies guarantee more opportunities to trigger Ring of Morrigan multiple times. Even casting a card every turn applies excellent value over time. In some cases, you can deal damage to your own minions to guarantee the life gain. If that minion survives it will heal at the end of the turn anyways. This strategy can also be applied when killing minions with “genesis” on The Geistwood. The best part about Ring of Morrigan is that it can grant you victory if the bearer is nearby an avatar on death’s door. Simply draw a spell on your turn and as long as you can cast it, Ring of Morrigan will deliver the final point of damage to your opponent.
One of “The Holy Grails” of Sorcery – Philosopher’s Stone. This legendary artifact is the best mana accelerant in the game. Philosopher’s Stone makes the 1st spell of each element cast by the bearer each turn costs 1 less. In multi element decks, Philosopher’s Stone can give you multiple discounts. If you drop Philosopher’s Stone and have another spellcaster pick it up, you can allow that spellcaster to receive discounts as well. This is because Philosopher’s Stone applies to different bearers. Philosopher’s Stone is a rare card that only very few have. With its rarity and an ability that is both powerful and versatile, Philosopher’s Stone ranks in a class of its own.
With everything considered, I now present you the best artifact in Sorcery:
Erik’s Curiosa takes 1st place as the best artifact card in Sorcery. Maybe even the best card in Sorcery… Erik’s Curiosa is like no other card. It’s rare to see an Erik’s Curiosa nowadays. One reason is because it is another “Holy Grail” card. Another reason is because this card is rarely played. Erik’s Curiosa has an ability so powerful that players are scared to even play with it. That’s because you have to Rip Erik’s Curiosa to pieces to activate it. No seriously, you have to literally rip the card! Since Erik’s Curiosa is so rare, players are hesitant to rip such a valuable card for a limited use. There are a few known players that have actually ripped an Erik’s Curiosa (myself included). Although I had a few copies of the card, it still took a lot of courage to rip one. At my locals we determined there is a way to rip tiny pieces off the Erik’s Curiosa in order to preserve how often it can be used in a tournament. If you aren’t careful, you can accidentally rip too much and make the Erik’s Curiosa unplayable. But why rip it? Erik’s Curiosa is not only rare, but it can also cost a hefty price for some. Despite all that I told you, I still think it has the most powerful ability in the game – draw a card from your collection! This means you can go to your binder and draw any card you want to add to your hand. ANY CARD! This effect not only allows a player to bypass the rarity restriction, but it also doesn’t interfere with your decks probability because you are adding a card from outside your deck. Erik’s Curiosa allows a player to search for any relevant card that can give you the most advantage. The bigger your collection, the more powerful Erik’s Curiosa becomes. Erik’s Curiosa is a card with unbound potential for a very hefty cost…
This concludes today’s article! I hope I’ve provided plenty of insight on what I believe are the best cards currently in the game. Sorcery: Contested Realm is a game like no other. A fun, fair, fantasy game with excellent art, an amazing community, and an excellent pool of diversity. Remember it’s not about the cards you play, but how you play them!
I invite you to check out my YouTube channel for all forms of Sorcery entertainment (link provided above).
I hope you enjoyed today’s article. Please stay tuned for more content, and as always, have an awesome week!
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