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Severine Pineaux

Severine Pineaux - Predestination.jpg

Séverine Pineaux is a French Illustrator, painter and designer.


Séverine was gracious enough to provide some background insights and several reference images for her beautiful painting for the Sorcery: Contested Realm card, "Predestination".


Ms. Pineaux refers to the painting as "Arcane" when referencing the piece.  Out of due respect I have included her input in her native language of French before the English translation, and included her writing in blue text to distinguish it from my own:

Ma peinture est basée sur la fusion : mélange entre l’homme et les arbres, les animaux et les plantes. Plus jeune, j’ai été très impressionnée par H.R. Giger (Alien) et ses images de créatures biomécaniques. Mais ma vision est plus écologique et cette interpénétration avec le règne végétal ainsi qu’avec des artefacts technologiques esquisse une possibilité de réconciliation de l’humanité et de la nature.


Des éléments décoratifs sont nés de cette manière dans mes livres «  Ysambre » et Gothic Faêrie » et ils m’ont inspirés pour mon travail dans Sorcery : pour créer le dessin «  Arcane », j’ai utilisé cette esthétique où on ne sait pas où commencent et où finissent les plantes et les engrenages, pour créer un talisman habité par une vie et une magie particulière...

My painting is based on fusion: a mixture between man and trees, animals and plants. When I was young, I was very impressed by H.R. Giger (Alien) and his images of biomechanical creatures. But my vision is more ecological and this interpenetration with the plant kingdom as well as with technological artifacts sketches a possibility of reconciliation between humanity and nature.

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Decorative elements were born in this way in my books "Ysambre" and "Gothic Faêrie" ...

Séverine's "Ysambre" series, composed of two volumes, "Le monde-arbre" and "La femme-graine", won an award at the Printemps des Légendes de Monthermé.

Her book "Gothic Faêrie" is another beautiful collection or artwork that reflects her concepts of fusing biomechanical elements with man and nature.

...and they inspired my work in Sorcery: to create the drawing "Arcane", I used this aesthetic where you don't know where plants and gears begin and end, to create a talisman inhabited by a particular life and magic...

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Siverine Pineaux - Predestination Painting and Sketch.jpg

You will notice that the process sketch was greatly modified, which resulted in a more 'clean' look and beautiful placement against the night sky surrounding.  Additionally, in the final production of the card the painting was inverted, which you can tell by the signature and date placement in the original painting compared to the orientation of the card.

Severine Pineaux - Predestination.jpg


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